electric CAR
폭스바겐 전기차 'ID라이프'
2022. 5. 5. 21:39
폭스바겐 전기차 'ID라이프'
한국 원화기준으로 2천6백만원대라고 한다.
디자인도 이쁘고, 친환경도장도 특징이라고...
폭스바겐의 MEB 플랫폼에 전륜구동 방식이다.
2025년 출시예정
이게 2천만원대라고? 출시 확정된 '진짜' 보급형 전기차 폭스바겐 'ID라이프'가 역대급이라는 이유
Volkswagen electric vehicle 'ID Life'
It is said to be around 26 million won in Korean won.
The design is pretty, and the eco-friendly painting is also a feature...
It is a front-wheel drive system on Volkswagen's MEB platform.
Scheduled to be released in 2025
Is this 20 million won? The reason why Volkswagen's 'ID Life', a 'real' entry-level electric vehicle that has been confirmed for release, is the best ever