What should we do with the automobile parts industry in transition? Seminar information
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출처: https://richcat.tistory.com/entry/알리-쇼핑놀이-풍력발전기 [리치캣의 현재 그리고 미래:티스토리]
What should we do with the automobile parts industry in transition? Seminar information
23-10-10 08:00 Episode 530
At a time when the business environment of the automobile industry is rapidly changing and uncertainty is increasing, ‘market expansion and profit improvement’ are key tasks.
A case-oriented seminar on quickly adapting to product innovation, AI, and digital management was held with automakers, research institutes, and industry experts.
We would like to host a forum for exchange where opinions can be shared and collaboration ideas can be obtained, so we ask for your attendance.
1. Date: 2023.10.17 (Tuesday) 13:30~17:30
2. Venue: Yun Bong-gil Memorial Hall, Maeheon, Yangjae-dong
3. Host: Wonhwan Lee, CEO of NES-Partners
4. Sponsorship: Korea Automobile Industry Cooperative, BOSCH Global, RCK, AiV
5. Application for participation: https://moaform.com/q/sOtTZd