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"닭 쫓던 개가 된 ID 버즈" 또 다시 황당해진 폭스바겐

현대차와 기아가 공동 개발한 ES 플랫폼이 'PBV 시리즈'로 출시되었어요.
타일 스타일에 확장 가능한 모듈러 구조로, 배터리의 핵심 부품들을 빌트하여 캐빈을 확장해 스페이스 활용 면에서 혁신적이며, 전기차를 주거 공간으로 활용하기 위한 기술도 구현됐어요.
캠핑 모듈까지 제작사에서 공급 가능한 방향으로, 차 안에서의 스마트한 환경을 위해 삼성과 소프트웨어 제휴를 맺었고, 홈 커넥티비티, 엔터테인먼트 공간 등의 용도로 활용 가능해 많은 이들의 관심을 끌고 있어요.
하지만 반면 폭스바겐은 이와 달리, 현대차 그룹과 리마의 공동 투자를 통한 경쟁 안에서 밀릴 위기에 놓여있어요.

폭스바겐은 리마 동급 기업과의 협력을 통해 지분을 확보하고, 현금과 협업을 통해 제품을 완성하고 판매 이익을 배분하였어요.
리마 오토모빌은 현금 부족으로 어려움을 겪었고 폭스바겐의 도움을 받아 자회사로 합병되기 시작했죠.
그리고 현대는 리마 오토모빌에 관심을 보이며 12.5% 지분에 해당하는 1100억 원을 투자하기로 결정했는데, 이 투자금은 다이에 리하의 현금으로 지불되었어요.

폭스바겐이 야심찬 전기차 출시를 추진하던 중 작년의 유동성 문제 때문에 위태로운 상황이었어요.
오토모빌리의 기술 덕분에 원활한 경영으로 돌아서게 된 것으로, 타이칸 프로젝트를 진행하기로 결정했죠.
타이칸 프로젝트는 폭스바겐이 혼자서 진행하다가 장기간 내구성이나 성능 저하 문제 때문에 폐기한 차였는데, 이를 해결하기 위해 오토모빌리와의 협력으로 타이칸을 성공적으로 출시하게 되었어요.
이에 대한 설명으로 전기 슈퍼카의 문제점 때문에 타이칸 프로젝트가 오토모빌리와의 협력을 했다고 언급되고 있어요.

오토모빌리의 핵심 기술인 800볼트 시스템과 고속 충전 기술을 타이칸을 비롯한 대중 전기차에 적용한 것이 특징이에요.
대중차는 MB 플랫폼을 뚝뚝 고쳐가면서 400v 시스템을 사용해 적극적인 전환을 유도하고, 현대 기아 자동차 그룹은 대중 전기차에서부터 현대 기아의 대표 차종에까지 800v 시스템, 350kw 기능, 헤어 건선, 실리콘 카드 파워 반도체, 통합 쿨링 시스템을 도입했어요.
폭스바겐은 약 5천만 원의 가격으로 시장에서 대중적으로 사용될 수 있는 차량으로 개발을 진행했고, 2021년에는 이러한 기술이 적용된 'ID.5'가 출시되었어요.
따라서 2020년에 폭스바겐이 나온 MB 플랫폼은 테슬라 모델 3를 따라잡기 위한 전용 전기차 플랫폼으로, 독일에서 관심을 받았답니다.

아이오닉 5/6은 경량화가 잘 되어 있어서 동력 성능과 충전 속도가 빠르며, 실리콘 카바이드 파워드 체로 설계된 인버터 덕분에 전력 효율이 더 좋아졌어요.
또한 배터리 BMS의 성능이 우수하고 주행 거리가 길고 V2L을 내장하고 있어요.
차량의 공간활용도가 좋아서 3시리즈와 차원이 다른 다른 경쟁 차와 비교할 수 없을 만큼 우위를 보이고 있어요.
이러한 이유로 아이오닉 5/6은 유럽, 세계, 북미 올해의 차로 선정되며 자동차 전문가들로부터 많은 찬사를 받았답니다.

세계 올해의차, 유럽 올해의차 선정 시 공정성을 위해 다양한 국가의 차량을 골고루 선택해요.
2021년 이후로 유럽과 북미의 자동차 기자 협회들은 이전보다 다양한 차량을 선정하여 자신들의 전문성을 증명하고자 해요.
일본, 호주, 싱가포르, 중국에서도 다양한 국산차가 선정되며, 폭스바겐의 PV5는 최근 많은 관심을 받고 있어요.
PV5는 픽업, 승객 캐빈, 밴, 캠핑카 등 다양한 형태로 변형이 가능하며, 모든 핵심 부품과 주행 장치가 배터리에 내장되어 공간 활용에 제약이 없어요.

ID 버즈는 폭스바겐의 히스토리를 생각하게 하는 디자인으로 현대적인 폭스바겐 미니버스를 해석한 차종이에요.
그러나 출시 가격과 성능 대비 가치 때문에 구입할 가치가 없다 판단하여 포기하였고, PB 5 출시는 시간이 걸릴 것으로 예상되는데, PB5는 이전에 출시된 아이오닉 5/6의 베이스보다 진보된 플랫폼을 기반으로 하며, 내연차 형태에서 전동화로의 전환이 미비하고 1세대 전기차에 해당한다는 차이가 있어요.
전기차 구매 시, 비싼 가격을 지불하기 전에 신중한 접근이 필요하다는 조언을 하였습니다.

스마트폰으로 진화하는 ES 플랫폼은 세부 시스템들을 하나로 통합하는 SOC 설계가 적용되어요.
이는 전기차에도 적용되어 탄소배출을 줄이는데 일조하며, 자동차 반도체의 ap 성능 향상이 필요해요.
주변 연결장치에 자유로운 연동과 커넥티비티 고려하여 전체 시스템을 연결해야 해요.
이를 통해 자동차에서 인터넷 및 인포테인먼트 기능의 자유로운 사용이 가능해져요.
더 나아가 성능 개선으로 L3 자율 주행도 가능하게 될 전망이에요.

마이크로소프 프로세서가 습도, 조도까지 감지해 환경을 조절하는 apd를 사용했어요.
PB 원소부터 PB 7까지 다이나믹 하이브리드 방식으로 모듈러 뼈대를 만들어 생산효율을 극대화했어요.
이 모듈러 생산 방식을 통해 어떤 모델의 생산에도 활용할 수 있게 되었죠.
테슬라 모델 S, 모델 X는 너무 비싸고 일조롭다는 이유로 접근성이 떨어지며, 그러다 보니 다양성을 요구하는 소비자들에게 대응을 못하고 있다는 게 문제이에요.

각 기업 및 환경에 맞게 자동차의 필요성이 달라요.
다양한 요구에 대응하기 위해서는 소량 다품종 생산이 필요한데, 이는 자동차 비용 상승으로 경쟁력을 잃을 수 있어요.
그래서 모듈러 방식을 적용해 저비용 소량 다품종 생산이 가능하게 되었답니다!

커스터마이징이 가능한 전기차를 구매하더라도 대량생산차와 가격 차이가 없으므로 소비자에게 큰 매력이 있어요.
현대 기아차의 모듈러 플랫폼은 적절한 추가설계를 통해 승용차에서 캠핑 모듈, 픽업 등 다양한 형태로 변화가 가능해 좋은 사용 경험을 제공해요.
폭스바겐이 출시한 PB5는 성능·공간 등에서 표준을 따라잡지 못해 가격도 높아 판매 성과가 좋지 않았어요.
반면, PB5는 출시가에서도 경쟁사의 절반 이하가 되어 대중들의 큰 관심을 받았어요.
미래 자동차 시장 경쟁을 통해 또 다른 혁신이 나올 것으로 보이며, 서로 생각을 교환하면서 좋은 통찰력을 나누는 시간이 필요해요.

오늘 이야기는 여기서 마치도록 하고, 더 좋은 콘텐츠를 준비해봐야겠어요.
“ID Buzz became a dog chasing chickens” Volkswagen becomes absurd again
Hello, this is Otogi Kim Jeong-min.
Hyundai Motor Company and Kia's ES platform is now the PBV series, a variety of easy classes from PB1 to PB7, a modular platform, and the Pev Skyte 3rd generation solar panel is also made with an efficient structure that can be expanded in a tile style, making it completely different from John's tank. It has evolved into a second-generation platform. By building in as many core parts of the battery as possible, a revolution in space was achieved through cabin expansion, and even the space could be changed by continuously adding modules desired by the user, suggesting a use for an innovative structure that manufacturers had never used before. Since it is a commercial vehicle, this platform also has a hydroponic platform in this form so that it can adapt to various environments flexibly and smartly, and above all, it provides support so that there is no difficulty in using it as a residential space when living in an electric vehicle. The idea is to do it through cars. Next, there are people who point out that there are many shortcomings in software. We are reforming semiconductors through a strategic partnership with Samsung, and developing our own integrated software OS, and home connectivity and electric vehicles are now available in the car just as individuals do not let go of their smartphones. Manufacturers are even supplying camping modules so that you can live in the car for various purposes such as a moving office, personal entertainment space, relaxation space, and also a movie theater and game room for entertainment. We are even open to possible directions. Well, we'll have to go further to find out the specific plans for when and how camping mode will be created, but the fact that this graphic shows an example of actual use means that the manufacturer is preparing for this.
As a result, there is a manufacturer that once again found itself staring at the roof. This is Volkswagen. In fact, Volkswagen jointly invested in Lima with Hyundai Motor Group.
First, Volkswagen discovered that Limay took into account the company's large investment. I wanted to dominate the width.
So, in fact, when I secured a 15% stake through Porsche, in fact, the corporate value of Rimac Automobiles at the time was calculated to be approximately 1 trillion won, so for 15%, I had to give about 150 billion won in cash to secure that stake. However, when negotiating with Remy Volkswagen, which was actually a startup at the time, the Volkswagen Group gave 100 million won in cash, and the rest was distributed through collaboration when the product was completed and sold through it. It is said that it was a small company with only about 400 employees. As a result, we were experiencing great difficulties in terms of cash flow, and a large manufacturer called Volkswagen reached out and established Lima Automobile... How much did Materimatsu expect from a review dispatch? However, the fact that it does not give much cash still causes liquidity difficulties. Now that I think about it, in order to merge Automobili into a subsidiary, Volkswagen first approached it as if they were collaborating by securing a stake, and then tried to absorb that stake little by little, perhaps in the form of a subsidiary. However, at this point, Hyundai suddenly showed interest in Automobili and proposed an investment of approximately 110 billion won, equivalent to a 12.5% stake. And the investment amount equivalent to 110 billion won was paid in cash by Daie Liha.
It is said that because of this, Automobili's liquidity crisis was completely resolved and its management returned to normal, a truly dramatic change in atmosphere. In fact, according to an insider, on the day the contract with Hyundai was signed, there was an investment attraction party hosted by Materimatsu. At the event, Materi Bachi was seen in tears and agitated to the employees, telling them that they had worked hard and that they should work hard in the future. They say it was possible. In fact, Automobili was attacked by Hyundai while Volkswagen was trying to encroach on it. How resentful it is that that insidious plan has failed. The technology that Nana Automobile is now proud of is the 800v system and fast charging technology.
Next, the Taycan was created in collaboration with Fox to build an electric vehicle based on the battery BMS. In fact, the Taycan project was carried out by Volkswagen alone. The problem was that the hybrid system was thoroughly refined in the Race, and in fact, the technology for the 800v system was previously owned by Fox, but the problem was that the Race car was a disposable car. That's right. So, securing durability and using it as a mass-produced car without long-term performance degradation or problems with functionality is another issue. In fact, the technology had not been able to complete it up to this point, so help from Automobili was greatly needed.
So, Automobili's 800-volt system, and then fast charging technology, are applied to the Taycan, and the core technologies that Automobily boasts are placed mainly on Fox, and the rest of the public difference is now MB's existing 400v system in Europe. Just like we always do, we can fix this MQ platform and it will be enough for the public to switch to electric vehicles. So, they chose this method of developing a dual electric vehicle strategy, and the Hyundai-Kia Group included everything from popular cars to Hyundai-Kia's representative models, including the 800v system and 350kw function, and going further than this, hair psoriasis technology, and silicone. . Card power semiconductor technology, integrated cooling system technology, and ICCU technology based on B2B circuits are all comprehensively integrated, and regenerative braking is also powerfully implemented. So, in fact, in addition to the basic core 800V system and fast charging technology brought from Lima, they added various menus and bundled them all into a 40 to 50 million won mass-produced car.
Just like a 100 to 250 million dollar Tay that is very sparingly cut out, Volkswagen is giving it all to Hyundai, the technology that it put so preciously and preciously into. Let's just change the direction of popular cars, let's just change the direction of electric cars. I put it all in because I wanted to play it all. In this way, ID 5 was released in 2021. In fact, ID.4 Q.4 was announced a year before ID 5. The MB platform was announced, but until then, there was only Model 3. As for the dedicated electric vehicle platform, Volkswagen has now released the MB platform, a typical electric vehicle platform, that aims to catch Tesla, so a lot of attention is focused on it.
Whatever it is, this product is judged by chance because there is a competitor comparison target, and there is no specific target for comparison. Tesla was originally good at it, and Volkswagen, its rival, released the MB platform, but there are only two of them. Then, Tesla already came out in 2017, and it was fully prepared back then, so now it's coming out to catch up with Tesla in 2020, so people said, "Hey, this should be selected as this year's car," and Germany showed interest and selected Misunderstood Car. Some military units also paid a lot of attention, saying, "Oh, right, it's not just a car with a standard internal combustion engine on a platform anymore, Volkswagen has finally released an electric car on an evening platform," and only a year later, Volkswagen has it. There are a lot of skills that I don't know.
The charging speed is also more than twice as fast. The power performance is high and the weight is also good. No, the inverter design is said to be several years ahead of regular silicon power semiconductors, and this has improved the inverter power efficiency. The battery BMS is also great. The mileage is also good. V2L is built in there. The use of space is incredibly good. This is a bigger wheelbase difference than the 3 Series difference. Although the size is similar, an electric car of a completely different dimension has been released. It has become a difficult car to compare.
Moreover, despite this, the MB platform is somehow trying to lower the price by incorporating drum brakes, and saying nonsense such as "This is the drum brake of the future," "It's the era of electric vehicles," and things like that. , Ioniq 5/6 has nothing like that. The result is obvious. Well, we can't compete. Well, even in the eyes of German media and reporters, there are too many product differences... So, why don't we select the European Car of the Year, the World Car of the Year, and the North American Car of the Year? We can't not do that. The lobbying is all done by the manufacturers. Bokju Bargain, Toyota, Hyundai, etc. Is there a manufacturer like Kia, Mercedes-Benz, or BMW that doesn't lobby? They do all the advertising, they chase after reporters, and they say, "Hey, please take a good look at the reporter." All manufacturers do that.
Then, since all manufacturers do it that way, if you look at the World Car of the Year and European Car of the Year selections, they tighten it evenly. If the quality reaches a certain level, then yes, give it to Japan once, well, give it to Germany once, and then the United States. Give them tea once, and do things like this to show them your interest. Won't that keep the water flowing in? But after 2021, look at the paddles of the European Press Association, the North American Press Association, and the World Automotive Reporter. Why are you making a fuss about it? If they don't do this correctly, their professionalism will be questioned. Well, it's good to continue to receive treatment evenly, but it shouldn't raise questions about their expertise. So, no matter how objectively you look at it, if you don't select something, the channel you didn't select will be treated strangely. I had no choice but to pull it out, so even in Australia, Singapore, a camp that is a bit distant from Europe and the United States, and even in Japan, which had ignored domestic cars for a long time, there was a misunderstanding. In addition, they have just selected it in the SUV category, and they have just selected it in China as well.
As for the quality, it's great. that That's why Volkswagen is very surprised by EP, this time. This time, it stands out again.
PV5 people, have you seen the concept? Easy, through class, you can convert it into a pickup, a passenger cabin, a van, and even a camper. This magnetic hard case method is used. And in the case of PB1, it is fully equipped with an electric motor. The Inil Motor was constructed with only the motor removed, and the wheel structure with an integrated reducer that was shown at Uni-Wheel not long ago was applied as is. This has been supplemented in this way so that you can now turn it 90 degrees and do it 360 degrees freely.
So, since all of the car's core powertrain and driving devices are built into the battery area, there is no space above it that could obstruct the cabin space. So, you can utilize the entire square, almost box-shaped space. Now that this PV 5 has been released, the car is now in the hands of the Nakdong River Oria again.
ID Buzz E. When the ID Buzz first came out, it was a modern interpretation of the Volkswagen minibus, a design that reminded us of Volkswagen's identity and Volkswagen's history. I was very interested. Actually, looking at the launch price, it is said that it will be launched in Germany for around 80 million won to 100 million won. But in fact, I gave up on purchasing it because I thought it wasn't worth it because the performance wasn't great enough to buy for that money and it was based on an MP platform. No, because I own a car like this, I now get that kind of evaluation. At a time when this ID buzz has been released in earnest and secondary vehicles are being released that are not even spreading, this PB 5 will be released from the Hwaseong factory at the end of next year, and many people are still far away.
When will that come out? It will take a lot of time to come out like this, right? You're still making comments like this, it's coming out in the second half of next year. It has already been decided to buy it in the second half of 2025. And we will begin releasing products in earnest in the second half of next year. So, we'll have to see if it will take some time. There is no need to say this.
In the case of the Xi PB5, it is a much more advanced platform than the platform that was the basis for the Ioniq 5/6 as well as this platform, which is a modified version of an existing internal combustion car. In fact, I pointed out several problems. The space was so wasted as the electric vehicle powertrain, engine, and transmission disappeared. And it is difficult to say that there has been a clear transition from the internal combustion vehicle type. So, it corresponds to the first generation electric vehicle. Although it is the most advanced in the first generation of electric vehicles, it still has to be in a form where it is felt to be lacking in the aspect of usability, which is still a little short of the second generation electric vehicles that have achieved electrification in internal combustion vehicles and will soon become smartphones. Please be cautious about paying too high a price for an electric vehicle. I can't force you not to buy something, but please approach with caution.
This is what I am saying right here. However, the ES platform is a platform that completely evolves into a smartphone. There are many characteristics to evolve into a smartphone. First, the SOC concept must be designed. This SOC. This was originally applied to APU. When talking about smartphones, many of you have heard of SOC, right? System on chip. What this means is that when explaining an APU, it is not just the CPU, but also the graphics chipset, GPU, memory controller, memory, and even the north bridge and south bridge. The 14th generation Intel mobile processor is a chipset type in which the south bridge and north bridge are integrated into the PCH. In this way, all systems are integrated into one chip, so it is a system one chip, SOC concept. Apply..
Originally, it applied to the APU, but now the motherboard and the entire device, everything is contained within the thin form of the smartphone. This is SOC, not APU. Some people explain it by saying that it was designed as a concept or something like that. I think you can understand this as a concept that is explained in the expansion. So, this is what electric cars are becoming into smartphones. Rather than simply attaching this and that to an internal combustion car, this is done as an integrated device like an SOC, so a power tray or driving device is built into the battery area, and a display is attached to the remaining area, creating a space like space. This type has a cabin with emphasis. Furthermore, in order to become a smartphone, it must have free connectivity in areas such as Internet communication. And it must be able to interface very freely with external machines. A car must have those characteristics. It is not only used when driving and only the software necessary for the driving information is installed, but it is connected to v2x, be to re, infrastructure, vehicle to vehicle, vehicle to device, and all connectable devices nearby, making it the center of the network. As connectivity improves, the level of infotainment must reach that level. To do this, the performance of automotive semiconductor APs must be much better than existing ones. Previously, it was only used for driving, so it could not be used for nearby connectivity or networking purposes. Since cars have to be used to that extent, their performance needs to improve. Moreover, although the autonomous driving part is now close to level 3, we need to prepare for this as well. We need to be able to enjoy entertainment more freely.
Nowadays, Microsoft processors for air conditioning devices need to control the environment, not only temperature but also humidity and illumination, so much more powerful APDs are used. Also, I have to order 10 to 20 of these and change them to domain controllers, so there is a lot to do.
So, the electric vehicle to which these things are applied is the second generation electric vehicle, and the first model of the second generation electric vehicle is the pbv series, which is an ES commercial platform. So, it has a completely built-in SOC-type powertrain module like a smartphone, a structure that is integrated with the battery, and a cabin. It can be used as an entertainment space or an office where everything can be done freely in that space, and the rear part to support such an environment. You can keep changing it to easy water pressure, and you can use the dynamic hybrid method from PB element to PB 7 to create a modular framework and expand the cabin to produce it efficiently. In order to produce this modular production, this modular production method is actually a mechanical quest device. Although it is not as much, the facility investment cost is equivalent to that. So in fact, the current modular platform is not used except for the Chinese New Year. Yes, the Chinese New Year is not limited by money. How do you make a mass-produced car like that? Hyundai said it would cost a lot of money at first, but in the end, once it was completed, it would expand through the modular system and produce a variety of models, so the final cost would be less, so they decided to do this. No other manufacturer has been able to do this yet.
In some ways, this could be the start of a new Fordism. In other words, the revolution in the early days of automobiles was to produce as many single models as possible using the Fordist conveyor belt method.
But what is modern life like now? Would you like it if I told you to use the same modern life? Tesla is continuing to lower its prices in China, and since it has lowered its prices in China, it looks like prices will soon rise in the U.S. and Korea as well, but what Tesla has hit a wall with right now is that Tesla cars are good and ahead, and the Autopilot software is really great. I know it's great, but it's too monotonous. Model S and Model
Moreover, the car used...
This is what individual business owners, medium-sized businesses, small and medium-sized businesses, and large corporations all have different needs. And depending on each environment, the cabin and luggage needs are different. So, in order to respond to these diverse issues, small-quantity, multi-variety production must be the basis. However, if this is produced in small quantities and a variety of products, the cost of the car will rise, making it uncompetitive, so it cannot be attempted. However, by applying this modular method, the only method that can be established is to freely expand the load and slow down or reduce the vehicle and overall length to produce small quantities of various products at low cost.
Then, this is Fordism, and the opposite revolution will occur again. I customized it and ordered an electric car that suits my needs, but the price is not much different from mass-produced electric cars. Then consumers feel really attracted to this. I can't get out of here. Others will never be considered. Well, in this way, you can use it as a passenger car, then change it to a camping module, and then change it to a pickup... I don't know how Kia will sell this, maybe a subscription system? There will probably be businesses that talk about this again. By using this module in this way, it is possible to expand the use, but the 1st generation Ionic 5 egmp is not even capable of being used, and it is a much more inferior mqb. Just because the design of Volkswagen's mini fan was interpreted in a modern way in order to sell the history of the past in a moderately modified rain, it cannot be expanded, the internal space utilization is much lower, and you have seen the inefficient wasted space of the mbb platform. In addition, it has drum brakes, and in a total mess, paying 800 to 100 million won for a car like this... who would buy it? PB5 It is said that the basic model will be released at around 40 million won, so it is half the price. So, as time passes, Volkswagen will be really confused about how to prepare for the future. Of course, Volkswagen will respond again. How to respond can show good results through consultation.
Right? This is how we develop through competition.
Then, consumers launch a product with a light heart, thinking that this will be enough for now, but when they get hit hard or two and lose their minds, another innovative product comes out that overwhelms the competitor, and they end up fighting against each other, which is a good competition. Could you show me the composition? So far, Volkswagen continues to block the counter and is showing its initial appearance. So going forward, for example, as we move to the second generation of electric vehicles, I wonder how European manufacturers will respond, and American manufacturers will probably also take a big hit. How did GM and Ford, who had focused only on the value of transportation, take this on board and PBV, and in the future, this concept of maximizing the advantages of space, with freedom of expansion and new value through this modular platform, has now expanded to this point? How will Hyundai and Kia respond to this future Eve strategy, which is now expanding to include swimming? I think it would be really interesting to observe these things. We're kind of curious about each other, who's right? Now, if I'm right, you're going to end up in disgrace. Instead of thinking like such a child, I hope we can spend time exchanging ideas with each other and sharing good insights about the future of automobiles.
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